1 min Read Time
Tax preparation can be daunting! But with a little prior planning and the right tool, you can make your tax burden easier. To organize your tax documents you need somewhere to store them.
I recommend the Smead Tax Organizer to file your tax documents as they roll in during the year, particularly in January. It offers 12 pockets within the organizer and comes with pre-printed labels, blank labels, and instructions. What could be more simple?
Keep this organizer in a convenient location so that you can drop papers in it as they come in. If you have a business, you want to consider having one organizer just for your business and one for personal tax papers.
If you have digital tax papers in addition to hard copies, create a digital folder system identical to the tabs you create in the Smead file. It’s that simple!
You can get yours at Smead for around $20. What do you store your tax documents in?
If you have a greater paper clutter situation that goes beyond taxes, check out my post on how to Reduce Paper Clutter.
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